Monday, July 6, 2009

cant think of one

I read 3 diff blogs today and in each of them glimpsed into some one's life and happenings and it is reiterated that we all yearn for almost the same things ... let me list a few
1When we write about family - good, bad or fun or average stuff, there is a sense of belonging and affection that comes through
2. Children - everywhere and almost in every blog - Mom's with or without a sense of humor still manage to bring a smile on your face when they write about their children or the antics they are up to.
3. People feel strongly about issues that affect their daily life and have no hesitation in saying that.
4. Good governance is some thing everyone wants.
5. There are many folks .... whose writing talents have been discovered..... you dont need to write a book to be famous, or to feel like a author !!
6. The 10 things that irritate... seem to be like the latest virus on blogosphere~~

another day, another time... bye for now!

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